COMMS re Understanding and Obeying the 10 Commandments

Transcript of Comms:
betwixt Player 1 and Player 2

  • Player 1: Ms Maritza Elizabeth Orozco

  • Player 2: Mr Isaac Bon Hillier


  • Friday September 6th, 2024:

  • 1533H OROZCO:
    Who is supposed to talk to me? You are supposed to say sorry why are you delegating others to do the talking for you. 
  • 1535H OROZCO:
    Who is supposed to speak with me? 
  • 1557H OROZCO:
    Your demands are just that unloving and mean. You telling me to return as an adult. I am an adult but you have mistreated me nd now all you can say is return reminding me of the vows made? How about u showing me respect. You revealing your problems with me to the World Wide Web hence anyone including the government and all nefarious people can go read ur posts. How is this a respectful loving man. How is that a husband. U treat me as if I was a two dollar hoe. I'm Catholic and come from a long traditional cultural family .  
    You have disrespected me as a woman, as your wife as your love. Whoever this hobo Ruby or crooked Kelly is you certainly pick weird people to have confidence in . I have been mistreated both verbally, financially and physically by you. You act like a town drunk who blabs to anyone who will listen yet you fail to see how abusive this is to me. You are also like the town gossiper. Is God not in your heart?  
    You have made our marriage the town's gossip. I feel very insulted by you. U don't even have a decent moral upbringing to realize that you should take all that stuff down from your websites, that you should apologize for this, that you should be sorry for the abuse, and for you filthy thoughts.  
    Blaming the victim is not right. You are cruel. I don't understand how you can live with urself after such tongue wagging. You slander your wife and spread so many lies about me. You are in the wrong. I feel appalled at your websites, I am aghast at how u think this will make me return. Neither will your threats of infidelity, it just shows what is really in your heart. How could you be so cruel. I am speechless now to think that I thought you were a trustworthy honest man, all the trust is broken. How easily you want me discarded and replaced.
  • 1602H-HILLIER:
    20% absenteeism. Goodbye.

  • 1605H-OROZCO:
    So you are not saying sorry for any of your abusive words to me and yelling at me ?
  • Do you want to talk to me?
  • 1629H-OROZCO:
    I've read your lies and slander about me but have you read my texts above? If you aren't sorry then why are you complaining about my having to leave your abusive self, this is one sided. Do you not see how your behaviour was hostile and abusive to me? You have to realize this and not just do numbers of days or time absent. This is like Data from Star Trek he does computations and lists conclusive biological or chemical facts but fails to understand that people are not numbers. The heart, the soul is affected in our decisions. You have to stop taking the heart out of this don't be like this fictional character Data.
    A woman or man's actions are con computations, we are not machines, humans have a heart.  
  • 1657H-HILLIER:
    Goodbye Ms OROZCO.
  • 1703H-HILLIER:
    PS: I clearly indicated that you either Grow The Fuck Up or Get The Fuck Out of my reality.
  • 1715H-HILLIER:
    I do love you but you absolutely disrespect me bizarrely. I know you're just staying at the condo of your client.

    I cannot tolerate this, as you deeply disrespect me.
    My 6:6 actually is the Adoptive Mother of my son and his sister. Kelly is VERY crazy, but she has my son.
    I loved you, and I still care about you.
  • 1716H-HILLIER:
    Because you CASTRATE me by walking out on my 20% of the time since Hilda died July 5th, 2021.

    I don't think you're acting like a TRUE Catholic wife. Yes, you're a wonderful Catholic child who fucked her daddy in order to protect her mummy...

    But you're not RESPONSIBLE as an ADULT in the respect of our duty to RECOGNIZE and PUNISH the predator, if only to prevent the continuation of this sex abuse plandemic.
  • 1718H-HILLIER:
    Grow The Fuck Up or Get The Fuck Out of my reality.

    You're a PEDO PROTECTION frigid-bitch. You are EVIL.

    GTFU or GTFO.
  • I don't want to be married to a pedo-protector. Kelly understands why my son and her adopted daughter are so important to me, just like she understands why you called the police on your husband for explaining that the legal and lawful punishment of your father is the duty of your husband.

    Don't like that? We'll ANNUL and I'll stay on the side of Kelly. Because you're 51 and not a 14 year old victim. So, go fuck yourself.

  • 1719H-HILLIER:
    I'm not your Father, and I'm going Public related to your PEDO PROTECTION initiative.

    I love you, but I will NOT protect your father from the consequences of our Church.

    The Vatican is on my side. Your Father ALWAYS needed to be punished for raping and otherwise abusing his 14-yr-old daughter but this DUTY of mine was further clarified in the amendment to the Roman Catholic Church laws which EXPLICITLY criminalize sexual abuse of minors and covering up abuse a criminal offence under Vatican law.

    I am Catholic. What faith are you?
  • 1824H-OROZCO:
    This is not pedo protection . U r not respecting my choice. You are in the wrong , I guess u really must have gotten ur head really injured since u have come back from your coma a cold man, you barely have ur thinking capacity but ur heart is absent from ur body. How can u think that exposing this to the world is love for me? You knew ahead of time of what happened to me, I am not covering up but do want me to go through the pain of revisiting this? u are asking too much Isaac , really this is bullying and arm twisting. you don't see how ur thinking is affecting us. The 2 nd last time we got into an argument about this u caused me to lose my job and injured my ring finger due to ur violence against me. U have a blind rage and hatred towards me if u think that going to the police about an incident that happened to me as a child will be all right? U r been cruel never mind my mental health over u pushing me to do this or else our marriage ceases to exist right? U r telling me our marriage will cease to exist because I as a victim can't go through a painful humiliated procedure of going to the police to try to attempt to punish my father, really! u will push for that right? If Kelly or any woman agrees with u on this they do not stand for the injured woman once a girl victim, honestly. u think bullying me shows ur love nd concern for me? It shows contempt for me, u care nothing for children's rights or woman 's dignity, worth , respect and honour. U are no better than a Muslim man n u have the audacity to call me a non Christian but u are a Christian? How does the rights of a man trump the rights of a Victim? it does if u hate the woman, or are a Muslim or any of those cults that ignore a woman's right to choose what is right for her mental wellbeing.  

    You dare to say to your wife that she must do this or else there will cease to be in a marriage. Man! you really come from that cult that hates woman. Really if it were not true and shaming I would go to the police. You know that the majority of girls and boys cannot go to the police cannot go through that even when they become adults? Right? You do know that the majority of rape abuse victims don't go to the police because of the emotional, psychological pain and stigma it carries right. Many times the cases get dropped. And you do know that for the health and welfare of the child victim their name is protected . What do you know think it does to a former child victim. You really have to talk to some professionals on this for you are very wrong about pushing for this if the victim does not feel that it will help or benefit her or him. It is not for everybody so you're just telling me you don't care about me.   

    Liars can go through it more so than a true victim just see Stormy Daniel's and the other woman who falsely charged Donald Trump with sexual abuse. I am shocked once again you don't stop surprising me with ur cruelty. You are wrong in this and I sorry for you, you are lacking in understanding.
  • 1850H-HILLIER:
    Did you check the mail, did you know if there was any mail for me?
  • 1930H-HILLIER:
    Ms OROZCO are you spending the night with me? Or are you still acting like evitacion Latina?
  • 1936H-HILLIER:
    You are way the hell outta line. I'm pretty confident that you're using this to get points with somebody else.
  • 1954H-HILLIER:
    It just feels like I'm a headache for you, and you're actually kinda like a headache for me. 
    I think I still love you but it's fading.

  • Saturday, September 7th, 2024:

  • 0813H-HILLIER:
    You protect your father more than you protect your husband, because you care more about your father's safety than your husband's safety.

  • 0835H-HILLIER:
    For your logic it is more important to protect a male rapists because he's your daddy who cares for you...

    More important than protecting my friend with two adopted children the same age as my two children which were adopted.

    Very simple.
  • 1408H-HILLIER:
    Your consent is not required, and your protection of pedophiles from recognition, both lawful and unlawful is not required.

  • 1413H-HILLIER:
  • 1502H-HILLIER:
    You honestly think that your clear and calm mindset is more important than the safety and security of my son and his sister?

    Honestly Mrs OROZCO?
  • 1855H-HILLIER:
    I still love you, but your protection of your pedophile father Mr FAUSTO ENRIQUE OROZCO (DOB 1939-JAN-16) is bizarrely unreasonable albeit understandably your childish attempts to protect your father.

    You simply filed false charges against your husband for the fact that he informed you that it is our duty as adult Catholics to legally and lawfully punish your rapist father. While in custody for your pedophile protection charges the guard STOLE the wedding band [your husband] was wearing because his anniversary with you was about to occur.

    That is wrong. You are a PEDO-PROTECTOR class of sexual abuse victimization.
  • Sunday, September 8th, 2024:

  • 1454H-HILLIER:
    Your is renewed, as it's handled by the same server that does the and the sites.

    Because I'm targeting your Father [Orozco] whether you consent or not.
  • 1503H-HILLIER:
    Be careful as I explained the stupidity of your acting as a Pedo-protector. I will destroy you if you try to protect your father, because my son and his sister's safe and secure FUTURE is more important than your bullshit baggage from your making love your rapist father in the PAST.

    If you're really a 51-yo Catholic ADULT you'd understand but you act like a 14-yo Catholic CHILD.

    I love you, but I also love my son and his sister, and such thereby I respect, serve and protect their adoptive mother.
  • I'm not your father, so you do not respect me SEXUALLY or SPIRITUALLY.
  • C'est la vie.
